all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0FY 27 0 53.506455 -2.159842
M35 0FZ 32 0 53.506507 -2.161199
M35 0GA 15 6 53.511918 -2.159635
M35 0GB 20 0 53.511497 -2.159741
M35 0GD 26 0 53.510994 -2.159648
M35 0GE 20 0 53.511251 -2.162605
M35 0GF 10 1 53.510287 -2.164034
M35 0GG 40 0 53.499415 -2.154102
M35 0GH 12 0 53.500367 -2.154724
M35 0GJ 22 0 53.501828 -2.151096
M35 0GL 4 0 53.502727 -2.15131
M35 0GN 20 0 53.502073 -2.14974
M35 0GP 33 0 53.501226 -2.151335
M35 0GQ 15 0 53.499161 -2.156016
M35 0GR 28 0 53.498257 -2.153179
M35 0GS 11 0 53.501191 -2.157335
M35 0GT 6 0 53.511311 -2.164369
M35 0GU 12 0 53.502063 -2.150464
M35 0GW 46 0 53.501129 -2.149752
M35 0GX 10 0 53.502243 -2.150178