all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0HA 12 0 53.507321 -2.163796
M35 0HB 11 5 53.507185 -2.165183
M35 0HD 4 1 53.506412 -2.165014
M35 0HE 17 0 53.506096 -2.165646
M35 0HF 18 1 53.506338 -2.166099
M35 0HG 10 0 53.50778 -2.163647
M35 0HH 9 4 53.506679 -2.166462
M35 0HJ 11 2 53.505813 -2.167347
M35 0HN 1 1 53.508309 -2.15813
M35 0HP 7 3 53.505812 -2.169429
M35 0HS 1 1 53.508854 -2.160515
M35 0HT 16 0 53.50548 -2.169548
M35 0HU 31 0 53.505371 -2.170196
M35 0HW 4 0 53.506375 -2.165662
M35 0HX 13 0 53.50503 -2.170014
M35 0HY 27 2 53.504606 -2.170932
M35 0HZ 18 0 53.504847 -2.171732
M35 0JA 20 0 53.504416 -2.171579
M35 0JB 55 0 53.503869 -2.170974
M35 0JD 14 2 53.504717 -2.173494