all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0JE 3 3 53.503951 -2.17601
M35 0JF 12 0 53.504576 -2.173223
M35 0JG 25 1 53.500486 -2.166604
M35 0JH 12 2 53.504142 -2.173461
M35 0JJ 1 0 53.503719 -2.17524
M35 0JN 22 2 53.504407 -2.171926
M35 0JP 42 0 53.50227 -2.170289
M35 0JQ 54 1 53.501778 -2.168327
M35 0JR 30 0 53.501851 -2.167679
M35 0JS 32 0 53.501933 -2.167032
M35 0JT 34 0 53.500561 -2.16484
M35 0JU 16 0 53.498991 -2.162151
M35 0JW 10 0 53.503169 -2.170067
M35 0JX 50 0 53.4998 -2.162395
M35 0JY 26 0 53.499419 -2.164851
M35 0JZ 63 0 53.500054 -2.167145
M35 0LA 47 0 53.501633 -2.169231
M35 0LB 4 0 53.505047 -2.164043
M35 0LD 12 0 53.504226 -2.166332
M35 0LE 35 0 53.505361 -2.164633