all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0LG 4 0 53.503346 -2.165876
M35 0LH 50 0 53.503768 -2.172496
M35 0LN 21 5 53.50567 -2.162026
M35 0LP 31 0 53.505046 -2.164511
M35 0LQ 49 0 53.504306 -2.166996
M35 0LR 36 0 53.504078 -2.162683
M35 0LS 46 0 53.504092 -2.164053
M35 0LT 26 0 53.502278 -2.164048
M35 0LU 56 0 53.500859 -2.163846
M35 0LW 17 0 53.504506 -2.164961
M35 0LX 28 0 53.501891 -2.164499
M35 0LY 25 0 53.502034 -2.165313
M35 0LZ 27 0 53.503012 -2.166644
M35 0NA 43 0 53.502427 -2.166822
M35 0NB 26 0 53.503622 -2.167686
M35 0ND 3 2 53.50533 -2.160818
M35 0NG 7 0 53.501269 -2.159114
M35 0NH 14 0 53.505072 -2.158601
M35 0NJ 41 0 53.504035 -2.168125
M35 0NL 16 0 53.502606 -2.161305