all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 5HD 8 0 53.508286 -2.186568
M40 5HE 30 0 53.50985 -2.186288
M40 5HF 26 0 53.509769 -2.186665
M40 5HG 31 0 53.511211 -2.189551
M40 5HH 5 0 53.508835 -2.185786
M40 5HJ 20 0 53.511089 -2.187379
M40 5HL 27 0 53.510404 -2.188236
M40 5HN 32 0 53.509578 -2.187644
M40 5HP 26 1 53.509666 -2.189031
M40 5HQ 13 2 53.511177 -2.18851
M40 5HR 21 1 53.509835 -2.189952
M40 5HS 1 0 53.510147 -2.191642
M40 5HT 10 0 53.508257 -2.187472
M40 5HU 7 0 53.508547 -2.186071
M40 5HW 32 0 53.509487 -2.188804
M40 5HY 9 0 53.510373 -2.19098
M40 5JH 6 0 53.523969 -2.181508
M40 5JJ 3 0 53.52352 -2.181039
M40 5JN 9 0 53.523826 -2.180995
M40 5JW 16 0 53.524285 -2.180876