all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 5JX 2 0 53.523861 -2.180208
M40 5JY 10 0 53.523944 -2.180558
M40 5LA 16 0 53.504166 -2.193997
M40 5LB 20 0 53.504661 -2.193728
M40 5LD 4 0 53.504033 -2.193077
M40 5LE 6 0 53.503935 -2.192187
M40 5LF 13 0 53.504025 -2.19261
M40 5LG 8 0 53.504485 -2.191044
M40 5LH 13 0 53.504413 -2.19145
M40 5LJ 2 0 53.504457 -2.190695
M40 5LL 3 0 53.504837 -2.190216
M40 5LN 5 0 53.505512 -2.189571
M40 5LP 1 1 53.505486 -2.194833
M40 5LS 24 0 53.504885 -2.194242
M40 5LT 13 0 53.504311 -2.193184
M40 5LU 15 0 53.504791 -2.191
M40 5LW 45 0 53.512497 -2.19488
M40 5LX 12 0 53.505648 -2.18921
M40 5NA 3 0 53.503539 -2.192668
M40 5NB 8 0 53.503466 -2.193165