all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 5ND 12 0 53.505176 -2.191936
M40 5NE 8 0 53.504752 -2.192884
M40 5NF 3 0 53.505088 -2.190941
M40 5NG 8 0 53.504844 -2.191905
M40 5NH 7 0 53.505043 -2.19079
M40 5NJ 4 0 53.505112 -2.192554
M40 5NP 4 0 53.50598 -2.189196
M40 5NQ 8 0 53.506411 -2.189605
M40 5NR 2 0 53.506373 -2.190115
M40 5NS 12 0 53.503735 -2.193483
M40 5NT 13 0 53.504663 -2.192341
M40 5NU 30 0 53.50628 -2.192786
M40 5NW 13 0 53.506771 -2.189652
M40 5NX 14 0 53.506098 -2.188669
M40 5NY 13 0 53.50639 -2.191761
M40 5NZ 3 0 53.505862 -2.189904
M40 5PX 2 0 53.522854 -2.180838
M40 5QA 6 0 53.519791 -2.186482
M40 5QB 6 0 53.519523 -2.185471
M40 5QD 31 1 53.518939 -2.18494