all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 8DJ 9 0 53.494247 -2.212507
M40 8DL 11 0 53.493539 -2.21175
M40 8DN 10 0 53.493411 -2.212623
M40 8DP 5 0 53.492467 -2.21283
M40 8DQ 6 0 53.494582 -2.211212
M40 8DR 62 0 53.493325 -2.215472
M40 8DT 3 0 53.493186 -2.212863
M40 8DW 11 0 53.49289 -2.212606
M40 8DX 15 0 53.493089 -2.211582
M40 8DY 3 0 53.493395 -2.211402
M40 8DZ 3 0 53.493549 -2.211056
M40 8ED 24 0 53.493341 -2.216557
M40 8EE 3 2 53.492597 -2.214245
M40 8EF 11 4 53.491983 -2.211016
M40 8EH 4 3 53.493853 -2.20581
M40 8FY 1 1 53.499035 -2.204059
M40 8FZ 1 1 53.499234 -2.203351
M40 8GA 9 0 53.499665 -2.208976
M40 8GB 16 0 53.49907 -2.209848
M40 8GD 25 0 53.500561 -2.210594