all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 8GE 6 0 53.500575 -2.212418
M40 8GF 27 0 53.500341 -2.21302
M40 8GJ 8 0 53.49921 -2.211778
M40 8GN 14 0 53.498901 -2.213781
M40 8GQ 2 0 53.500085 -2.208886
M40 8GR 6 0 53.49962 -2.208494
M40 8GS 4 0 53.499234 -2.208371
M40 8GT 5 0 53.499053 -2.209019
M40 8GW 18 0 53.497977 -2.212541
M40 8GZ 3 0 53.498794 -2.213314
M40 8HD 1 1 53.494678 -2.206839
M40 8HF 1 1 53.492827 -2.201299
M40 8HH 2 2 53.492506 -2.205776
M40 8HN 3 3 53.492533 -2.200591
M40 8JP 8 0 53.49914 -2.216059
M40 8JQ 18 0 53.498656 -2.215273
M40 8JR 19 0 53.496765 -2.220687
M40 8JS 31 0 53.497246 -2.219441
M40 8JT 29 0 53.498034 -2.215948
M40 8JU 19 0 53.498616 -2.217081