all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 8JW 56 0 53.499437 -2.215518
M40 8JX 12 0 53.498393 -2.216598
M40 8JY 15 0 53.497513 -2.216141
M40 8LA 6 0 53.498043 -2.216249
M40 8LB 3 0 53.499433 -2.217583
M40 8LD 20 0 53.496729 -2.216846
M40 8LE 11 0 53.495898 -2.217985
M40 8LF 3 0 53.499661 -2.216137
M40 8LG 6 0 53.498708 -2.216057
M40 8LH 3 0 53.49559 -2.220412
M40 8LJ 1 1 53.495333 -2.218406
M40 8LL 18 0 53.497991 -2.214983
M40 8LN 25 0 53.497435 -2.214558
M40 8LP 18 1 53.496832 -2.218638
M40 8NL 2 0 53.49659 -2.218048
M40 8LR 22 0 53.496214 -2.218682
M40 8LS 17 0 53.496134 -2.218229
M40 8LT 2 0 53.497086 -2.217538
M40 8LW 7 0 53.497604 -2.215237
M40 8LX 3 0 53.497288 -2.215944