all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 1JZ 10 0 53.498282 -2.180268
M40 1LA 10 0 53.497815 -2.179964
M40 1LB 15 0 53.497691 -2.178622
M40 1LD 12 0 53.496999 -2.17889
M40 1LE 34 0 53.499296 -2.181493
M40 1LF 18 1 53.499375 -2.181642
M40 1LG 9 0 53.498323 -2.177208
M40 1LH 14 0 53.499432 -2.180936
M40 1LJ 25 0 53.499865 -2.179913
M40 1LL 9 0 53.49849 -2.179515
M40 1LN 6 0 53.49916 -2.176578
M40 1LP 10 0 53.49632 -2.174967
M40 1LQ 36 0 53.493337 -2.175378
M40 1LR 12 0 53.499338 -2.17777
M40 1LS 6 2 53.49906 -2.176924
M40 1LT 40 0 53.49908 -2.17602
M40 1LU 17 1 53.497614 -2.176059
M40 1LW 3 0 53.497807 -2.179542
M40 1LX 22 0 53.49819 -2.175941
M40 1LY 23 1 53.495926 -2.174876