all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 0GL 34 0 53.521705 -2.175209
M40 0GN 49 0 53.514151 -2.177636
M40 0AN 0 53.512739 -2.178037
M40 0FJ 2 53.516384 -2.181159
M40 1AQ 12 0 53.502336 -2.174164
M40 1BF 23 0 53.502696 -2.173562
M40 1DB 36 0 53.502881 -2.176624
M40 1DD 11 0 53.502816 -2.17198
M40 1EL 1 1 53.502699 -2.177935
M40 1EN 6 0 53.504137 -2.178287
M40 1EP 15 5 53.503983 -2.178995
M40 1EY 26 0 53.504676 -2.178425
M40 1EZ 17 3 53.503509 -2.177229
M40 1GB 10 2 53.497635 -2.173043
M40 1GF 18 0 53.497686 -2.169939
M40 1GG 13 1 53.493843 -2.167377
M40 1GH 33 0 53.496419 -2.17007
M40 1GJ 33 0 53.497562 -2.168959
M40 1GL 4 1 53.496215 -2.167506
M40 1GN 21 1 53.495192 -2.166643