all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 0FU 4 0 53.522093 -2.173672
M40 0FW 5 0 53.519946 -2.173347
M40 0FX 4 0 53.521914 -2.173415
M40 0FY 4 0 53.518955 -2.174338
M40 0FZ 6 0 53.518127 -2.175013
M40 0GA 4 0 53.51973 -2.17324
M40 0GB 4 0 53.519297 -2.173161
M40 0GD 4 0 53.519505 -2.173269
M40 0GG 17 0 53.522684 -2.175168
M40 0GH 3 0 53.522026 -2.176628
M40 0GJ 4 0 53.52245 -2.175423
M40 0GQ 8 0 53.521267 -2.173126
M40 0GW 5 0 53.519047 -2.173117
M40 0HA 30 0 53.52413 -2.176139
M40 0HB 25 0 53.524014 -2.175807
M40 0HD 17 0 53.523978 -2.175309
M40 0HE 19 0 53.523233 -2.175079
M40 0HF 20 0 53.522664 -2.176646
M40 0HG 7 0 53.521711 -2.176853
M40 0HH 24 0 53.523404 -2.174688