all postcodes in M41 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M41 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M41 9SH 0 53.447524 -2.35644
M41 9SJ 0 53.447135 -2.357175
M41 9ST 0 53.44908 -2.346982
M41 9WA 0 53.445779 -2.338253
M41 9WB 0 53.446703 -2.335776
M41 9WD 0 53.447985 -2.333859
M41 9WE 1 53.446376 -2.333726
M41 9WF 0 53.447411 -2.330015
M41 9WG 0 53.445109 -2.330328
M41 9WH 1 53.446234 -2.329825
M41 9WJ 0 53.445609 -2.331446
M41 9WL 3 53.441607 -2.338581
M41 9WN 0 53.44543 -2.334381
M41 9WW 0 53.445293 -2.328297
M41 9FY 6 0 53.445935 -2.330802
M41 9FZ 6 0 53.445977 -2.331058
M41 9JE 50 0 53.445184 -2.351392