all postcodes in M41 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M41 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M41 9JD 0 53.44433 -2.351325
M41 9JG 16 53.447481 -2.352631
M41 9JN 10 53.447345 -2.353081
M41 9JQ 2 53.446806 -2.353032
M41 9JS 1 53.447337 -2.352599
M41 9JW 0 53.447117 -2.354043
M41 9JY 7 53.445957 -2.351459
M41 9JZ 0 53.445449 -2.349693
M41 9LA 0 53.44537 -2.349165
M41 9JT 0 53.444502 -2.347366
M41 9LB 0 53.444896 -2.348409
M41 9LD 0 53.445429 -2.347344
M41 9LE 0 53.445533 -2.345764
M41 9LF 0 53.445941 -2.341266
M41 9LG 4 53.446273 -2.347893
M41 9LH 0 53.445901 -2.34262
M41 9LJ 0 53.445934 -2.343674
M41 9LL 0 53.44741 -2.34319
M41 9LN 0 53.447342 -2.341924
M41 9LQ 0 53.446989 -2.345625