all postcodes in M41 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M41 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M41 9NT 0 53.446192 -2.335185
M41 9NU 5 53.445509 -2.328811
M41 9NW 0 53.444755 -2.334797
M41 9NX 0 53.445383 -2.332032
M41 9NY 0 53.443973 -2.334686
M41 9PA 1 53.448772 -2.338217
M41 9PB 0 53.450091 -2.335893
M41 9PD 2 53.449115 -2.334576
M41 9PE 1 53.446993 -2.331728
M41 9PF 2 53.448718 -2.331214
M41 9PG 0 53.450135 -2.32978
M41 9PJ 0 53.447002 -2.328386
M41 9PL 0 53.447046 -2.328808
M41 9PN 0 53.450229 -2.328441
M41 9PP 0 53.449018 -2.33063
M41 9PQ 0 53.450118 -2.329358
M41 9PR 0 53.449278 -2.330903
M41 9PS 0 53.450644 -2.331019
M41 9PT 1 53.45094 -2.331202
M41 9PU 0 53.450513 -2.332885