all postcodes in M44 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M44 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M44 5BD 1 1 53.430462 -2.423092
M44 5BE 33 14 53.437435 -2.428565
M44 5BF 2 2 53.431065 -2.42719
M44 5BG 43 17 53.428548 -2.434946
M44 5BH 15 0 53.436357 -2.428314
M44 5BL 11 11 53.42862 -2.430222
M44 5BN 17 0 53.43258 -2.431497
M44 5BP 2 2 53.432638 -2.419635
M44 5BQ 18 7 53.430892 -2.433421
M44 5BR 26 0 53.427526 -2.43447
M44 5BT 16 4 53.425863 -2.437042
M44 5BU 46 2 53.42458 -2.436306
M44 5BW 17 0 53.432672 -2.43079
M44 5BY 30 0 53.423523 -2.437936
M44 5BZ 9 1 53.42277 -2.439643
M44 5DA 21 0 53.423593 -2.440886
M44 5DB 17 8 53.423715 -2.439488
M44 5DD 41 10 53.425654 -2.437792
M44 5DE 36 0 53.426983 -2.437926
M44 5DF 16 0 53.426528 -2.439457