all postcodes in M44 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M44 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M44 5LY 2 0 53.456974 -2.433685
M44 5LZ 1 0 53.453859 -2.423114
M44 5NA 1 0 53.458004 -2.420218
M44 5NB 1 0 53.460234 -2.427364
M44 5PN 17 15 53.434368 -2.418523
M44 5PP 1 1 53.4323 -2.424164
M44 5TJ 1 1 53.432877 -2.441178
M44 5UA 14 0 53.423006 -2.441572
M44 5UB 9 0 53.425199 -2.439127
M44 5UD 14 0 53.427587 -2.439527
M44 5UE 7 0 53.426934 -2.43913
M44 5UF 4 0 53.438775 -2.432853
M44 5UG 17 0 53.418922 -2.447232
M44 5UH 8 0 53.418661 -2.449667
M44 5UJ 5 1 53.420406 -2.444524
M44 5UL 6 0 53.421264 -2.44354
M44 5UN 5 1 53.425617 -2.437942
M44 5WA 1 0 53.457817 -2.427325
M44 5XB 12 2 53.436273 -2.428793
M44 5XD 12 2 53.432945 -2.432298