all postcodes in M44 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M44 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M44 5XE 6 0 53.42966 -2.433574
M44 5XF 17 0 53.424495 -2.437524
M44 5XG 3 0 53.424965 -2.436717
M44 5XH 25 8 53.424637 -2.438158
M44 5XJ 5 0 53.422128 -2.440343
M44 5XL 3 3 53.430452 -2.433311
M44 5XP 17 0 53.427124 -2.43403
M44 5YA 25 0 53.426908 -2.446263
M44 5YB 24 1 53.426748 -2.448022
M44 5YD 14 0 53.427996 -2.450985
M44 5YE 16 0 53.429433 -2.453408
M44 5YF 16 0 53.429021 -2.4508
M44 5YG 8 0 53.429041 -2.452636
M44 5YH 10 0 53.427681 -2.448483
M44 5YJ 8 0 53.429844 -2.449469
M44 5YL 12 0 53.429859 -2.450101
M44 5YN 16 0 53.429531 -2.451483
M44 5YP 8 0 53.427947 -2.449539
M44 5YQ 4 0 53.431391 -2.43454
M44 5YR 13 0 53.430821 -2.435753