all postcodes in M7 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M7 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M7 1LS 12 0 53.498277 -2.265183
M7 1LT 12 0 53.49872 -2.263874
M7 1LU 4 0 53.498963 -2.263028
M7 1LZ 14 0 53.497163 -2.264889
M7 1NB 20 0 53.497864 -2.264803
M7 1ND 10 0 53.497937 -2.264276
M7 1NE 13 0 53.498414 -2.263857
M7 1NF 39 1 53.497522 -2.261017
M7 1NG 27 0 53.493963 -2.268969
M7 1NJ 16 0 53.494162 -2.268322
M7 1NL 15 0 53.494272 -2.267283
M7 1NP 4 0 53.491307 -2.266993
M7 1NR 15 0 53.49446 -2.267661
M7 1NY 28 1 53.492687 -2.268705
M7 1PA 42 1 53.487648 -2.266455
M7 1PD 4 0 53.489402 -2.26674
M7 1PE 10 0 53.491008 -2.263977
M7 1PF 13 0 53.490457 -2.265149
M7 1PH 8 0 53.489924 -2.266276
M7 1PJ 4 0 53.490943 -2.26485