all postcodes in M7 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M7 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M7 1PN 15 0 53.488997 -2.266571
M7 1PP 19 0 53.490792 -2.263915
M7 1PR 54 0 53.497222 -2.262493
M7 1PW 17 0 53.489916 -2.265688
M7 1QE 15 7 53.491734 -2.260831
M7 1BN 11 0 53.491982 -2.262295
M7 1AW 19 0 53.493165 -2.264096
M7 1AU 20 0 53.493163 -2.260945
M7 1RD 1 1 53.49359 -2.258808
M7 1RE 4 1 53.490901 -2.259258
M7 1RH 1 1 53.49492 -2.258861
M7 1RQ 2 0 53.492462 -2.259793
M7 1RT 10 0 53.493422 -2.25736
M7 1RU 10 0 53.493501 -2.258174
M7 1RY 1 0 53.492943 -2.258668
M7 1RZ 9 0 53.493134 -2.257539
M7 1SL 19 13 53.492639 -2.252604
M7 1SP 4 3 53.492999 -2.253318
M7 1SR 1 1 53.494111 -2.258977
M7 1SS 5 5 53.493564 -2.25421