all postcodes in M9 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M9 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M9 5RE 7 0 53.50661 -2.215539
M9 5RF 11 0 53.507167 -2.215436
M9 5RG 11 0 53.507628 -2.214217
M9 5RH 9 0 53.506818 -2.214847
M9 5RL 5 0 53.507113 -2.215723
M9 5RP 15 0 53.509371 -2.214799
M9 5RQ 5 0 53.508921 -2.214963
M9 5RR 8 0 53.509152 -2.215444
M9 5RS 6 0 53.508868 -2.21454
M9 5RT 5 0 53.509841 -2.213279
M9 5RU 12 0 53.509705 -2.213881
M9 5RW 5 0 53.509138 -2.21427
M9 5RX 6 0 53.508618 -2.213514
M9 5RY 6 0 53.508644 -2.214042
M9 5SA 12 0 53.508035 -2.218064
M9 5SB 1 1 53.507882 -2.217762
M9 5SD 8 0 53.506864 -2.219159
M9 5SG 25 0 53.507538 -2.219389
M9 5SH 38 3 53.503144 -2.218552
M9 5SN 22 0 53.508249 -2.21885