all postcodes in M9 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M9 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M9 5TT 34 7 53.510484 -2.215363
M9 5TU 29 1 53.50971 -2.21501
M9 5TY 17 0 53.509247 -2.213638
M9 5TZ 11 0 53.508718 -2.212896
M9 5UA 16 0 53.509464 -2.2129
M9 5UB 5 0 53.509546 -2.212312
M9 5UD 9 0 53.50934 -2.211783
M9 5UE 9 0 53.509177 -2.212491
M9 5UF 14 0 53.50917 -2.211481
M9 5UG 14 0 53.506744 -2.216128
M9 5UH 25 0 53.51005 -2.211787
M9 5UJ 23 0 53.508658 -2.216424
M9 5UL 31 0 53.510203 -2.212029
M9 5UN 14 0 53.510408 -2.212709
M9 5UP 13 0 53.510764 -2.214806
M9 5UQ 34 0 53.510671 -2.211549
M9 5UR 1 1 53.507651 -2.216163
M9 5US 7 1 53.510649 -2.213961
M9 5UT 13 0 53.510566 -2.214624
M9 5UW 36 0 53.510776 -2.212801