all postcodes in M9 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M9 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M9 5SP 2 2 53.508928 -2.220768
M9 5SQ 32 0 53.507447 -2.219931
M9 5SR 29 0 53.507298 -2.21788
M9 5SS 22 0 53.506785 -2.218299
M9 5ST 8 0 53.506935 -2.219642
M9 5SU 1 1 53.506241 -2.225503
M9 5SW 50 0 53.508355 -2.219604
M9 5SZ 17 0 53.507303 -2.21509
M9 5TA 6 0 53.505298 -2.225212
M9 5TB 5 0 53.505227 -2.224367
M9 5TD 6 0 53.504948 -2.224878
M9 5TF 1 1 53.50342 -2.218747
M9 5TG 3 0 53.504643 -2.224485
M9 5TH 21 0 53.505802 -2.224627
M9 5TJ 11 0 53.504201 -2.224118
M9 5TL 4 0 53.505109 -2.22512
M9 5TN 5 0 53.504832 -2.224591
M9 5TP 8 0 53.505613 -2.225078
M9 5TQ 4 0 53.506008 -2.225276
M9 5TR 6 0 53.505783 -2.22523