all postcodes in ME10 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME10 2QS 15 0 51.35856 0.73392
ME10 2QX 6 0 51.347994 0.730448
ME10 2QZ 13 0 51.36017 0.733887
ME10 2RA 14 0 51.357086 0.738084
ME10 2RB 15 0 51.356131 0.73787
ME10 2RD 56 0 51.361425 0.741389
ME10 2RE 1 0 51.358213 0.737591
ME10 2RF 5 0 51.358184 0.738063
ME10 2RG 6 0 51.3596 0.736367
ME10 2RH 28 0 51.358895 0.738048
ME10 2RJ 33 0 51.362564 0.740365
ME10 2RL 30 0 51.362784 0.739042
ME10 2RN 48 0 51.359028 0.73889
ME10 2RP 9 1 51.363309 0.738513
ME10 2RQ 31 0 51.357004 0.738912
ME10 2RR 6 0 51.363644 0.738806
ME10 2RS 39 0 51.359507 0.739952
ME10 2RT 32 0 51.363129 0.740082
ME10 2RU 7 0 51.358327 0.743114
ME10 2RW 43 0 51.359028 0.73968