all postcodes in ME10 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME10 1AA 8 7 51.340369 0.732667
ME10 1AB 1 0 51.340729 0.732571
ME10 1AF 20 0 51.340675 0.730672
ME10 1AG 13 0 51.338044 0.728937
ME10 1AJ 8 2 51.340608 0.731616
ME10 1AL 5 0 51.34069 0.731176
ME10 1AN 22 10 51.340879 0.729308
ME10 1AP 11 9 51.340787 0.732043
ME10 1AQ 1 0 51.339214 0.734379
ME10 1AR 11 6 51.341029 0.730624
ME10 1AS 1 1 51.341276 0.729574
ME10 1AT 1 1 51.341924 0.728794
ME10 1AU 43 0 51.341981 0.729788
ME10 1AW 9 9 51.340688 0.732798
ME10 1AX 36 0 51.342808 0.729823
ME10 1AY 17 0 51.342382 0.729209
ME10 1BA 20 0 51.342718 0.728742
ME10 1BB 46 0 51.342645 0.727573
ME10 1BD 10 0 51.343342 0.726595
ME10 1BE 12 0 51.342144 0.72862