all postcodes in ME10 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME10 3QZ 4 0 51.343015 0.757838
ME10 3RA 15 0 51.342514 0.755812
ME10 3RB 21 0 51.342105 0.755242
ME10 3RD 22 0 51.34228 0.754678
ME10 3RE 15 2 51.341194 0.752645
ME10 3RF 1 1 51.34814 0.754081
ME10 3RG 17 11 51.347508 0.753426
ME10 3RH 10 8 51.349424 0.753397
ME10 3RL 20 12 51.348719 0.752911
ME10 3RN 22 18 51.346204 0.750332
ME10 3RY 36 34 51.346812 0.748704
ME10 3RS 32 21 51.348219 0.755826
ME10 3RT 46 1 51.345783 0.754112
ME10 3RU 9 1 51.341806 0.752756
ME10 3RW 4 2 51.348895 0.756872
ME10 3RX 5 4 51.348081 0.751981
ME10 3RZ 7 5 51.34847 0.752277
ME10 3SA 4 3 51.345815 0.750064
ME10 3SB 1 1 51.348517 0.758312
ME10 3SD 1 1 51.349753 0.756261