all postcodes in ME10 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME10 1EY 36 0 51.340549 0.729904
ME10 1EZ 51 18 51.335069 0.725371
ME10 1GA 54 0 51.343052 0.707306
ME10 1GB 34 0 51.342285 0.707821
ME10 1GD 6 0 51.341486 0.70773
ME10 1GE 7 0 51.343981 0.708366
ME10 1GL 2 2 51.332273 0.725768
ME10 1HA 29 0 51.335594 0.724053
ME10 1HB 11 0 51.33484 0.720505
ME10 1HD 48 0 51.335056 0.72247
ME10 1HE 12 0 51.335474 0.718791
ME10 1HF 17 0 51.336464 0.723027
ME10 1HH 25 0 51.336129 0.725032
ME10 1HJ 13 0 51.336277 0.72797
ME10 1HL 7 0 51.33754 0.714261
ME10 1HN 40 0 51.33882 0.714121
ME10 1HQ 5 0 51.336948 0.723085
ME10 1HR 67 0 51.339938 0.731002
ME10 1HS 50 0 51.338738 0.730012
ME10 1HT 2 0 51.33844 0.729393