all postcodes in ME15 / MAIDSTONE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME15 0AA 3 1 51.242611 0.51911
ME15 0AB 2 0 51.239354 0.517888
ME15 0AE 3 0 51.242113 0.519284
ME15 0AG 20 1 51.238956 0.518438
ME15 0AH 22 0 51.236803 0.516916
ME15 0AJ 16 0 51.238713 0.516791
ME15 0AL 22 2 51.234911 0.516268
ME15 0AN 1 0 51.236681 0.515921
ME15 0AR 1 0 51.237695 0.563657
ME15 0AS 27 1 51.232484 0.514517
ME15 0AT 12 2 51.232408 0.513883
ME15 0AU 44 0 51.23294 0.513367
ME15 0AW 20 0 51.23132 0.514712
ME15 0AX 16 0 51.23419 0.514209
ME15 0AY 19 1 51.233635 0.516171
ME15 0AZ 34 0 51.232756 0.519002
ME15 0BA 1 1 51.237695 0.563657
ME15 0BB 14 1 51.238764 0.487881
ME15 0BD 24 1 51.238403 0.521574
ME15 0BG 6 0 51.231819 0.515312