all postcodes in ME16 / MAIDSTONE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME16 0AA 42 0 51.281818 0.497149
ME16 0AB 3 1 51.283236 0.4943
ME16 0AD 21 0 51.282717 0.494616
ME16 0AE 14 0 51.28061 0.497671
ME16 0AF 12 0 51.272632 0.5141
ME16 0AG 18 0 51.280639 0.496741
ME16 0AH 19 0 51.280294 0.495216
ME16 0AJ 31 0 51.277642 0.494298
ME16 0AL 16 0 51.278473 0.495404
ME16 0AN 28 0 51.2795 0.496621
ME16 0AP 16 0 51.277826 0.496244
ME16 0AQ 14 0 51.281166 0.496066
ME16 0AR 14 0 51.27743 0.497513
ME16 0AS 50 0 51.276363 0.494845
ME16 0AT 12 0 51.27265 0.513671
ME16 0AU 12 0 51.276825 0.494684
ME16 0AW 29 0 51.272963 0.514175
ME16 0AX 9 0 51.277944 0.498272
ME16 0AY 18 0 51.278406 0.497308
ME16 0AZ 12 0 51.272976 0.513574