all postcodes in ME16 / MAIDSTONE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME16 9BQ 12 0 51.262743 0.483989
ME16 9BS 32 0 51.265854 0.486148
ME16 9BT 12 0 51.265469 0.486098
ME16 9BU 16 0 51.265163 0.48611
ME16 9BW 12 0 51.26495 0.485525
ME16 9BX 12 0 51.264801 0.486177
ME16 9BY 16 0 51.264423 0.486199
ME16 9DA 25 0 51.264213 0.484668
ME16 9DB 6 0 51.263191 0.484957
ME16 9DG 27 0 51.264883 0.481479
ME16 9DH 25 0 51.263725 0.476285
ME16 9DJ 16 0 51.264418 0.478816
ME16 9DL 17 0 51.265418 0.478713
ME16 9DN 4 0 51.265897 0.477333
ME16 9DP 19 0 51.265174 0.478384
ME16 9DQ 43 0 51.263562 0.478039
ME16 9DR 15 0 51.264819 0.47772
ME16 9DS 17 0 51.265338 0.476587
ME16 9DU 20 0 51.266438 0.476015
ME16 9DX 5 0 51.267444 0.473947