all postcodes in ME17 / MAIDSTONE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME17 2AT 7 1 51.19995 0.670101
ME17 2AU 4 0 51.196743 0.668326
ME17 2AX 5 0 51.199381 0.675681
ME17 2AY 4 0 51.202464 0.678521
ME17 2AZ 5 0 51.208263 0.680189
ME17 2BA 17 0 51.20946 0.681347
ME17 2BB 4 0 51.210603 0.683246
ME17 2BD 14 1 51.214198 0.692363
ME17 2BE 9 1 51.220699 0.700247
ME17 2BG 7 1 51.214689 0.717812
ME17 2EB 1 0 51.210674 0.711404
ME17 2BH 5 0 51.210945 0.704732
ME17 2BJ 7 0 51.219031 0.723694
ME17 2BL 4 0 51.217559 0.727431
ME17 2BP 9 0 51.215542 0.731379
ME17 2BS 18 0 51.214255 0.738348
ME17 2BT 10 0 51.213201 0.744945
ME17 2BU 16 1 51.214363 0.742953
ME17 2BX 5 0 51.212688 0.730367
ME17 2DA 2 0 51.241563 0.701915