all postcodes in ME17 / MAIDSTONE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME17 2DB 2 2 51.24265 0.700417
ME17 2DD 14 0 51.243138 0.698739
ME17 2DE 2 2 51.243888 0.699787
ME17 2DG 4 0 51.235245 0.727689
ME17 2DH 3 0 51.235272 0.726917
ME17 2DJ 4 0 51.234929 0.728086
ME17 2DL 6 6 51.235969 0.730555
ME17 2DN 1 0 51.235369 0.734702
ME17 2DP 6 0 51.233415 0.733254
ME17 2DQ 9 0 51.202874 0.667679
ME17 2DR 4 0 51.229862 0.744017
ME17 2DS 7 2 51.230312 0.745535
ME17 2DT 7 0 51.227818 0.754053
ME17 2DU 2 0 51.22965 0.765995
ME17 2DX 8 0 51.237096 0.750408
ME17 2DY 6 0 51.237389 0.768107
ME17 2EA 5 0 51.239369 0.772981
ME17 2ED 9 1 51.243838 0.759739
ME17 2EE 3 0 51.246385 0.758127
ME17 2EH 6 0 51.25283 0.751791