all postcodes in ME9 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME9 0ES 5 0 51.317788 0.807735
ME9 0ET 4 0 51.321551 0.81019
ME9 0EW 2 0 51.31863 0.794427
ME9 0EX 3 0 51.312598 0.815225
ME9 0EZ 7 0 51.307112 0.814459
ME9 0HB 4 0 51.299866 0.812437
ME9 0HD 3 0 51.297334 0.815281
ME9 0HF 5 1 51.298281 0.806917
ME9 0HG 1 0 51.299589 0.793597
ME9 0HJ 4 0 51.306084 0.800305
ME9 0HL 1 0 51.307344 0.798804
ME9 0HR 8 0 51.311282 0.807855
ME9 0HS 6 1 51.313308 0.810748
ME9 0HW 6 1 51.307339 0.805375
ME9 0JD 3 0 51.320885 0.786509
ME9 0JE 2 0 51.319586 0.784883
ME9 0JH 6 0 51.307957 0.787031
ME9 0JJ 7 0 51.300784 0.784588
ME9 0JN 9 0 51.30086 0.783273
ME9 0JQ 2 0 51.31723 0.784467