all postcodes in ME9 / SITTINGBOURNE

find any address or company within the ME9 postcode district

Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME9 0JR 1 0 51.297851 0.785027
ME9 0JS 4 0 51.298163 0.792664
ME9 0JT 4 0 51.296494 0.78724
ME9 0JU 10 0 51.28923 0.796913
ME9 0JW 11 1 51.300021 0.779695
ME9 0JX 8 1 51.288093 0.802784
ME9 0LB 4 0 51.290442 0.817613
ME9 0LD 2 0 51.28752 0.810538
ME9 0LG 1 0 51.286217 0.807774
ME9 0LH 8 0 51.283208 0.802757
ME9 0LL 22 2 51.284637 0.800162
ME9 0LN 12 0 51.284039 0.798447
ME9 0LQ 35 0 51.28505 0.803572
ME9 0LR 2 0 51.318019 0.74572
ME9 0LT 2 0 51.284768 0.799283
ME9 0LU 1 0 51.282879 0.792783
ME9 0LW 26 0 51.283864 0.796386
ME9 0NA 7 3 51.283327 0.799726
ME9 0NB 18 0 51.28308 0.800942
ME9 0NE 9 0 51.274065 0.783358