all postcodes in ME9 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME9 7DE 4 1 51.37049 0.663088
ME9 7DF 36 0 51.374354 0.666789
ME9 7DG 7 0 51.372425 0.664622
ME9 7DH 4 0 51.372731 0.664985
ME9 7DJ 38 0 51.372526 0.666108
ME9 7DL 4 0 51.373094 0.665265
ME9 7DN 7 0 51.373302 0.664803
ME9 7DQ 2 0 51.372614 0.664289
ME9 7DR 5 0 51.373649 0.66774
ME9 7DS 4 0 51.373339 0.66673
ME9 7DT 7 0 51.373916 0.667468
ME9 7DU 6 0 51.374289 0.667274
ME9 7DW 5 0 51.372968 0.664482
ME9 7DX 53 0 51.372809 0.668769
ME9 7DY 11 1 51.374311 0.669489
ME9 7DZ 18 0 51.374626 0.668688
ME9 7EA 1 0 51.37475 0.67269
ME9 7EB 6 1 51.375594 0.677869
ME9 7ED 4 0 51.374526 0.682104
ME9 7EE 2 0 51.375724 0.681312