all postcodes in MK12 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK12 6BB 1 1 52.056579 -0.829281
MK12 6DA 52 0 52.05031 -0.816524
MK12 6DB 52 0 52.0508 -0.814207
MK12 6EX 52 0 52.052912 -0.809659
MK12 6EY 28 0 52.052811 -0.810406
MK12 6EZ 64 1 52.05244 -0.809263
MK12 6HA 43 0 52.052212 -0.80714
MK12 6HB 43 0 52.051323 -0.805516
MK12 6HD 32 0 52.052185 -0.804487
MK12 6HE 48 0 52.052523 -0.802407
MK12 6HF 48 0 52.052311 -0.801829
MK12 6HG 32 0 52.053989 -0.802382
MK12 6HH 38 0 52.053655 -0.805862
MK12 6HJ 32 0 52.054443 -0.802807
MK12 6HL 44 0 52.053567 -0.801547
MK12 6HN 32 0 52.052823 -0.80533
MK12 6HP 24 18 52.049631 -0.803519
MK12 6HQ 32 0 52.053354 -0.80536
MK12 6HR 10 6 52.049241 -0.801415
MK12 6HS 41 28 52.050639 -0.798193