all postcodes in MK12 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK12 5AB 6 0 52.061477 -0.812918
MK12 5AD 13 1 52.060991 -0.812828
MK12 5AE 29 1 52.059992 -0.812738
MK12 5AF 6 0 52.059143 -0.812367
MK12 5AH 36 0 52.059797 -0.81305
MK12 5AJ 23 1 52.061139 -0.813262
MK12 5AL 21 0 52.061083 -0.813978
MK12 5AN 36 0 52.059741 -0.813781
MK12 5AP 41 1 52.057689 -0.815308
MK12 5AQ 18 0 52.058492 -0.812909
MK12 5AR 31 0 52.058092 -0.8161
MK12 5AS 18 0 52.058457 -0.81396
MK12 5AT 37 1 52.059727 -0.814131
MK12 5AU 22 0 52.061051 -0.814329
MK12 5AW 19 0 52.058445 -0.813582
MK12 5AX 64 0 52.059774 -0.815267
MK12 5AY 48 0 52.058616 -0.816275
MK12 5AZ 7 0 52.058113 -0.818185
MK12 5BA 21 0 52.059326 -0.818109
MK12 5BB 13 0 52.058756 -0.81773