all postcodes in MK12 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK12 6JF 28 0 52.049813 -0.811798
MK12 6JG 25 0 52.050938 -0.810951
MK12 6JH 32 0 52.050678 -0.8102
MK12 6JJ 30 0 52.049527 -0.810157
MK12 6JL 28 0 52.050708 -0.809616
MK12 6JN 26 0 52.050427 -0.808442
MK12 6JP 12 0 52.049349 -0.809491
MK12 6JQ 26 0 52.049608 -0.811016
MK12 6JR 30 0 52.04968 -0.808389
MK12 6JT 16 0 52.049929 -0.807245
MK12 6JU 18 0 52.049834 -0.814728
MK12 6JW 10 0 52.050307 -0.808124
MK12 6JX 12 0 52.050172 -0.807253
MK12 6LB 8 7 52.056675 -0.829978
MK12 6LE 30 0 52.056478 -0.825477
MK12 6LF 37 1 52.053119 -0.828525
MK12 6LG 20 0 52.053259 -0.829061
MK12 6LH 19 0 52.054162 -0.829519
MK12 6LJ 18 0 52.053582 -0.828076
MK12 6LL 34 0 52.05579 -0.827683