all postcodes in MK12 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK12 5TS 13 13 52.058339 -0.83275
MK12 5TT 5 3 52.058108 -0.830247
MK12 5TW 35 29 52.059599 -0.830802
MK12 5ZQ 1 1 52.047594 -0.828753
MK12 5ZR 1 1 52.06605 -0.811673
MK12 5YU 2 2 52.054934 -0.833579
MK12 5TN 2 52.066693 -0.803875
MK12 5LZ 0 52.062658 -0.812998
MK12 5GZ 2 0 52.060536 -0.815694
MK12 5LY 2 2 52.062731 -0.807744
MK12 5GY 0 52.060391 -0.832872
MK12 5GX 0 52.059649 -0.832424
MK12 5GW 0 52.06007 -0.832311
MK12 5GU 0 52.060316 -0.831663
MK12 5GT 0 52.060384 -0.83103
MK12 5GS 0 52.060876 -0.832874
MK12 5GR 0 52.060719 -0.832411
MK12 5GQ 0 52.060851 -0.830394
MK12 5GN 0 52.061026 -0.819071
MK12 5GL 0 52.062038 -0.81865