all postcodes in MK14 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK14 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK14 5AA 4 2 52.081019 -0.747343
MK14 5AB 15 0 52.079658 -0.745279
MK14 5AD 7 0 52.079744 -0.744095
MK14 5AE 2 0 52.079074 -0.747683
MK14 5AF 1 0 52.078564 -0.749819
MK14 5AH 2 1 52.077131 -0.772594
MK14 5AJ 3 3 52.076053 -0.763211
MK14 5AL 2 1 52.073284 -0.76906
MK14 5AN 1 1 52.069894 -0.736887
MK14 5AP 28 0 52.076464 -0.75446
MK14 5AQ 16 0 52.07558 -0.754163
MK14 5AR 12 0 52.076131 -0.755286
MK14 5AS 10 0 52.074811 -0.754535
MK14 5AU 8 1 52.072615 -0.759425
MK14 5AW 3 0 52.070457 -0.759456
MK14 5AX 52 2 52.070353 -0.757256
MK14 5AY 6 0 52.06864 -0.755071
MK14 5AZ 11 0 52.065347 -0.757497
MK14 5BA 9 0 52.067206 -0.75215
MK14 5BB 2 0 52.066778 -0.746378