all postcodes in MK14 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK14 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK14 5DG 10 0 52.064262 -0.755149
MK14 5DH 14 0 52.067997 -0.760633
MK14 5DJ 25 0 52.067602 -0.759812
MK14 5DL 15 0 52.068451 -0.761948
MK14 5DN 21 0 52.068227 -0.761123
MK14 5DP 15 0 52.067029 -0.760937
MK14 5DQ 14 0 52.063596 -0.755153
MK14 5DR 24 0 52.069997 -0.763583
MK14 5DS 27 0 52.069908 -0.761134
MK14 5DT 69 0 52.069257 -0.764202
MK14 5DU 66 0 52.066492 -0.753526
MK14 5DW 25 0 52.067706 -0.762042
MK14 5DX 29 0 52.065768 -0.755632
MK14 5DY 28 0 52.066174 -0.754848
MK14 5DZ 51 3 52.071412 -0.762202
MK14 5EA 22 0 52.066607 -0.750809
MK14 5EB 34 0 52.070872 -0.766433
MK14 5ED 48 0 52.07134 -0.764786
MK14 5EE 33 0 52.069787 -0.76674
MK14 5EF 36 0 52.066729 -0.748705