all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

find any address or company within the MK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 0AE 14 0 52.080213 -0.709248
MK16 0AG 7 4 52.084951 -0.727428
MK16 0AH 8 2 52.082984 -0.7292
MK16 0AN 43 1 52.082925 -0.730535
MK16 0AP 14 0 52.082471 -0.733394
MK16 0AQ 1 0 52.08428 -0.727709
MK16 0AR 25 0 52.081981 -0.733817
MK16 0AS 4 0 52.08281 -0.732334
MK16 0AT 11 0 52.081465 -0.73602
MK16 0AU 11 0 52.081947 -0.7357
MK16 0AW 4 0 52.082387 -0.731499
MK16 0AX 11 0 52.081569 -0.735638
MK16 0AY 57 0 52.081258 -0.736814
MK16 0AZ 11 0 52.082311 -0.734435
MK16 0BA 19 0 52.082777 -0.733458
MK16 0BB 21 0 52.081804 -0.733223
MK16 0BD 9 0 52.08133 -0.73347
MK16 0BE 2 0 52.081101 -0.734624
MK16 0BG 17 1 52.080795 -0.736389
MK16 0BH 2 0 52.080921 -0.733812