all postcodes in MK17 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK17 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK17 8TQ 3 0 52.003907 -0.650855
MK17 8TR 11 0 52.002309 -0.653437
MK17 8TS 1 0 51.99989 -0.655025
MK17 8TT 14 0 52.007026 -0.648401
MK17 8TW 17 0 52.001253 -0.656222
MK17 8TX 19 0 52.000744 -0.65816
MK17 8UA 21 0 52.018794 -0.653773
MK17 8UB 15 0 52.019543 -0.654815
MK17 8UD 1 1 52.018228 -0.65465
MK17 8UE 1 1 52.020887 -0.659161
MK17 8UF 1 1 52.023231 -0.658887
MK17 8UG 44 0 52.021498 -0.660731
MK17 8UH 30 0 52.022663 -0.657169
MK17 8UJ 7 0 52.021439 -0.657891
MK17 8UL 23 0 52.020912 -0.655823
MK17 8UN 19 0 52.0191 -0.65544
MK17 8UP 14 0 52.019358 -0.652838
MK17 8UQ 12 0 52.022934 -0.659712
MK17 8UR 29 16 52.021727 -0.653175
MK17 8UT 21 0 52.020486 -0.650779