all postcodes in MK17 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK17 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK17 8UU 39 0 52.01979 -0.649677
MK17 8UW 12 0 52.018831 -0.652329
MK17 8UX 21 0 52.019619 -0.65044
MK17 8UY 32 0 52.02001 -0.653212
MK17 8UZ 1 1 52.023299 -0.661683
MK17 8XG 10 0 52.01872 -0.648893
MK17 8XH 11 0 52.017821 -0.648104
MK17 8XJ 12 0 52.017228 -0.648181
MK17 8XQ 6 0 52.018448 -0.648741
MK17 8ZH 1 1 52.030558 -0.689979
MK17 8WF 1 52.030558 -0.689979
MK17 8HL 1 52.027493 -0.619849
MK17 8LF 0 52.011432 -0.642221
MK17 8GA 5 0 52.014776 -0.656269
MK17 8GB 12 0 52.014779 -0.65573
MK17 8GD 31 0 52.014628 -0.655137
MK17 8GE 19 0 52.014884 -0.653891
MK17 8GG 33 0 52.015225 -0.652307
MK17 8GH 8 0 52.015845 -0.652273
MK17 8GJ 16 0 52.015806 -0.651983