all postcodes in MK17 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK17 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK17 0AY 4 0 51.976543 -0.772199
MK17 0NR 1 1 51.981433 -0.844928
MK17 0NP 24 11 51.965806 -0.879404
MK17 0LQ 0 51.949213 -0.782098
MK17 0QY 0 51.973221 -0.881884
MK17 0FD 0 51.990536 -0.862835
MK17 0FE 0 51.950549 -0.811614
MK17 0SD 0 51.953235 -0.817619
MK17 0FL 0 51.951894 -0.773585
MK17 0FG 0 51.999703 -0.863288
MK17 0FH 5 0 51.972853 -0.77008
MK17 8AB 1 0 52.030891 -0.675553
MK17 8AE 15 1 52.025826 -0.667336
MK17 8AF 18 0 52.023017 -0.666953
MK17 8AG 22 0 52.024595 -0.664253
MK17 8AJ 40 0 52.029443 -0.654051
MK17 8AN 15 0 52.032556 -0.646254
MK17 8AP 6 4 52.030115 -0.642092
MK17 8AQ 18 0 52.0273 -0.662497
MK17 8AR 7 0 52.03105 -0.646044