all postcodes in MK17 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK17 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK17 0PB 14 0 51.968041 -0.849115
MK17 0PD 39 14 51.962249 -0.856366
MK17 0PE 40 0 51.969565 -0.845882
MK17 0PF 18 3 51.970013 -0.851263
MK17 0PG 23 0 51.967649 -0.844933
MK17 0PJ 7 1 51.956085 -0.827461
MK17 0PL 4 0 51.961433 -0.815599
MK17 0PN 6 2 51.967834 -0.809352
MK17 0PP 9 0 51.978775 -0.816313
MK17 0PR 33 10 51.982273 -0.830718
MK17 0PS 15 9 51.981807 -0.838069
MK17 0PT 7 0 51.981108 -0.846591
MK17 0PU 13 1 51.977621 -0.847734
MK17 0PX 3 2 51.984485 -0.852727
MK17 0PY 14 3 51.976702 -0.850349
MK17 0QB 6 0 51.978213 -0.816808
MK17 0QE 45 0 51.973991 -0.874978
MK17 0QF 16 0 51.973094 -0.87139
MK17 0QG 19 0 51.973025 -0.872717
MK17 0QH 27 0 51.972969 -0.875266