all postcodes in MK18 / BUCKINGHAM

find any address or company within the MK18 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK18 2DG 2 0 51.996019 -0.918905
MK18 2DH 30 0 51.998468 -0.919327
MK18 2DJ 21 0 51.996603 -0.915993
MK18 2DL 5 0 51.996279 -0.916121
MK18 2DN 18 1 51.994997 -0.915569
MK18 2DP 21 0 51.995742 -0.912464
MK18 2DQ 3 0 51.997016 -0.917997
MK18 2DR 13 0 51.995382 -0.913211
MK18 2DS 28 0 51.996077 -0.910766
MK18 2DT 1 0 51.995662 -0.909611
MK18 2DU 3 0 51.994978 -0.909627
MK18 2DW 8 0 51.994124 -0.916198
MK18 2DX 1 0 51.995215 -0.907947
MK18 2DY 8 0 51.994077 -0.896788
MK18 2DZ 7 0 51.991113 -0.923261
MK18 2EA 2 0 51.980849 -0.927642
MK18 2EB 13 0 51.985161 -0.934107
MK18 2ED 4 0 52.011654 -0.929632
MK18 2EH 18 0 51.996821 -0.910544
MK18 2EJ 4 0 51.950978 -0.972899