all postcodes in MK18 / BUCKINGHAM

find any address or company within the MK18 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK18 2FP 23 0 51.912347 -1.001505
MK18 2FR 20 0 51.91348 -1.001582
MK18 2FW 27 0 51.912952 -1.000779
MK18 2GE 4 0 51.963235 -0.930731
MK18 2GN 4 0 51.939357 -0.985791
MK18 2HA 7 0 51.918987 -0.969762
MK18 2HB 1 0 51.925111 -0.965753
MK18 2HD 8 0 51.919797 -0.988428
MK18 2HE 2 0 51.916422 -1.002936
MK18 2HF 20 1 51.915907 -1.001543
MK18 2HH 3 0 51.925325 -0.988443
MK18 2HJ 5 0 51.936869 -0.988219
MK18 2HN 5 0 51.937238 -0.990334
MK18 2HP 5 0 51.997697 -0.916636
MK18 2HQ 19 0 51.916174 -1.002278
MK18 2HR 3 0 51.923364 -0.928217
MK18 2HS 1 0 51.962856 -0.939429
MK18 2HT 19 0 51.96366 -0.930847
MK18 2HU 3 1 51.964598 -0.930305
MK18 2HX 2 0 51.964575 -0.929675