all postcodes in MK18 / BUCKINGHAM

find any address or company within the MK18 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK18 4DE 0 51.964853 -1.008723
MK18 4DG 0 51.997025 -1.02737
MK18 4DH 0 51.9896 -1.06876
MK18 4DL 0 51.968317 -1.071966
MK18 4DN 0 51.982258 -1.024734
MK18 4DP 0 51.952104 -1.04688
MK18 4DQ 1 52.000482 -0.986261
MK18 4DR 0 51.947982 -1.03541
MK18 4DS 0 51.943382 -1.038084
MK18 4DT 0 51.95015 -1.025722
MK18 4DU 0 51.9497 -1.019169
MK18 4DW 0 51.978172 -1.041698
MK18 4DX 0 51.941417 -1.023214
MK18 4DY 3 51.936645 -1.020321
MK18 4DZ 0 51.93527 -1.019237
MK18 4EA 0 51.927653 -1.021229
MK18 4EB 2 51.928314 -1.027198
MK18 4ED 0 51.929813 -1.031209
MK18 4EE 2 51.930277 -1.032944
MK18 4EF 0 51.929365 -1.032469